Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Master Class changed to WED December 5th

Event: Leadership master class for November: "17 Miracles" movie party! 

Date: Wed. Dec. 5

Time: 2-4:30 pm 

Place: Sister Edwards' home

Bring: A snack to share while we watch the movie if you'd like to.  We'll provide lots of popcorn with real butter!  Also bring your master reading and inspirement(s).  

Theme: Miracles! We'll be discussing how God has worked miracles for America, for the Church, the pioneers, and in our lives. 

Wear:  I think movie parties are fun in comfy clothes, so if you want to wear pajamas or sweats, that's okay with me! 

Who can attend:  Youth who have studied all three levels for November Leadership Academy. Question:  "Sister Edwards, if I didn't finish all three levels before our November class, can I finish them before the master class and still come?"

Sunday, October 21, 2012

November Scripture of the Month

2 Nephi 2:27  (We're passing this off on Halloween)

Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.

Friday, October 19, 2012

November Apprentice Inspirements

NOVEMBER THEME: Life and the Pursuit of Happiness.  

God wants us to be free to pursue happiness; Satan does not. Following God and building a Christian character bring happiness.  

Read and mark your favorite parts of Seven Miracles that Saved Americaby Chris Stewart and Ted Stewart.  

Write down your favorite quotes in your reflection journal. And choose one of the following, being ready to share it in class: 

The authors say that because God helped save America during past crises, God will help save America in future crises.  Focusing on God’s miracles helping people in the past gives us faith that God will work miracles for us in the future. With this in mind, write a list of a handful of scripture people God has worked miracles for.  Then write a list of a handful of times when God has worked miracles to help you in your life or your family’s life. If you’d rather draw, write a poem or a song of these miracles, that’s great too.  

Do a word study on the word “miracle.”  Remember to look up definitions in the 1828 dictionary here. find several scriptures and quotes from leaders of your church. Then write up your own definition. End by writing down your own testimony of how God is a God of miracles. 

Do you believe God wants America to be free?   Choose one of the seven stories from the book. Ponder about and write a story about what probably would have happened if God didn’t perform that miracle to preserve America’s freedom.  What would life be like now?  Again, feel free to write a story, poem, song, graphic summary, etc. to show what life might be like then and now. 

Choose your own inspirement to help you “swallow” the principles and life lessons you read in the book. Approve it with your parent or Sister Edwards first. 

November Journeyman Inspirements

Read and mark your favorite parts the following.  Write down your favorite quote(s) from each. 

1) Thomas Jefferson Education (TJED) for Teens, chapter 3.  
2) Fill in the worksheet parts of this chapter. (If you don’t own your book, write the answers in your reflection journal or type them.)  Give yourself time as this will take some thought and discussion with several people who know you well.  
3) 5000 Year Leap — read two of these principles: 1, 6, 7, 8, 22, 23, 24, 28.  
Come prepared to teach  those principles to the class.  

And choose one or more of the following, being ready to share it in class: 

Watch “A More Perfect Union” (a 2 hour movie about the Constitutional Convention) here .
(The film is divided into eight segments, so watch all eight of them.)  Watch it with your notebook handy, and write down the different miracles you noticed that happened in the story. Think about and write down principles or life lessons you learned. 

Watch this Glenn Beck interview of author Timothy Ballard (28 minutes) here The author’s book is about the Founding Fathers giving God credit for helping them establish our country, and the idea that they believed they were helping bring the Abrahamic covenant to America.  What do you think about this -- is it a new idea to you?  Do you agree or disagree? As you watch it, write down two things you agree with and two things you disagree with or have a question about. 

• For the book Seven Miracles that Saved America: 1) Make a list, chart, or mind map where you list each of the seven miracles.  2) Ponder about and write down how God used trials that eventually helped each of those people fulfill their mission to help save America.  3) Create a possible mission statement for each of those seven people.  4) At the end of your list, record your answer to this question: Knowing that God uses trials to help people become their best selves and fulfill their life missions, write down a trial in your own life and how God has helped it turn into a blessing.  

Bonus: Watch this 5 minute clip of Ronald Reagan here.

Choose your own inspirement to help you “swallow” the principles and life lessons you read from the journeyman readings. Approve it with your parent or Sister Edwards first. 



Read: “God’s Hand in the Founding of America” by Elder L. Tom Perry  here

Mark your favorite parts.  Write down your favorite quote(s) from it in your reflection journal.  And do one of the following, being ready to share it in class:

This is from a talk given in February 1976. Elder Ballard announced a series of seven paintings commemorating the Bicentennial of America and God’s hand in our country.  Because the seven paintings are currently unavailable, find a way to illustrate these seven miracles yourself, either with cartoons, painting, illumination, music, poetry, an essay, or some other way. 

Look up and record ten scriptures that talk about God’s hand in preserving liberty in America, and/or righteous principles of government.  Record what themes and principles you found.  Also record how you will apply these to your life.  

On your timeline, write in the miracles from the book Seven Miracles that Saved America, and the additional miracles from Elder Ballard’s talk.  If you’d like to, illustrate the miracles in your timeline with drawings, or with a parent’s permission, from online images. Add your own birthday to your timeline, and write your commitment to uphold your responsibility to help preserve America. 

Teach a Family Home Evening lesson to your family using Elder Ballard’s talk.  After discussing the various ways God has shown his hand in our country, focus on what responsibilities God has given each of us in helping preserve freedom in America.  Or rather than teaching a lesson, you can write a paper, detailing the various points Elder Ballard told us are our responsibility. 

Choose your own inspirement to help you “swallow” the principles and life lessons you read in the talk. Approve it with your parent or Sister Edwards first. 

Bonus: If you haven’t already, see if you can memorize the Preamble to the US Constitution. This “School House Rock” song makes it easy: Click here.  The song left out one phrase.  Tell us what the missing phrase is.