Tuesday, February 19, 2013

March Master Inspirements

Read The Traveler’s Gift: Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success, by Andy Andrews. 

This is the same author who wrote How Do You Kill 11 Million People?: Why the Truth Matters More than You Think.  The Traveler's Gift is a story of a discouraged man who gets transported to seven key points in history and learns keys of success from people like Lincoln, Columbus, Anne Frank, and Harry Truman.

And do one or more of the following: 

  • Do some research about the author Andy Andrews. Andrew's Amazon page is a good source. Scan down to see the books he has written, and click “read more” to get the full printable bio of him. Come ready to share what you learned about him. What impressed you the most about his life? What can you learn from him to make you a better person? 
  • Choose one of the historical figures David Ponder met in the story. What lesson did he learn from that person?  Choose a specific way you can apply this to your own life.  Share this with the class, and tell us your plan for applying it to you. 
  • Write a paper or journal entry about the most helpful parts of this book. Make it a page or longer. Some ideas are: write one or more of your favorite principles in your own words, write how it applies to your life, how you think it applies in a gospel sense, scriptures or life experiences it reminds you of, and anything else that comes to mind.  Come ready to read it to us.  
  • Research one of the seven historical figures in the book. Prepare a report about the person.  Tell us facts about the person, as well as character traits you admire.  Share the report with the class.  You can read your report to us, show us on a Power Point, etc. 


  1. Fantastic choice of books! I am enjoying every minute of it! :)
    Thanx for the work you put into these classes!


  2. Thank you Carmody! You are always so thoughtful to uplift and praise and express gratitude to those around you. It's one of the many reasons I love you!
    - Sister Edwards
