Saturday, October 12, 2013

November Journeyman Readings and Inspirements

Study (Know)

Read all of the following to increase your knowledge:

  • How: Essential Skills for Living the Gospel. Say a prayer to be guided as you choose one chapter. Read that chapter, marking your favorite parts as you read.  Write down a goal of how you’ll practice this skill for the next 4 weeks.  Post the goal in a place you see often, including adding it to your SAR. Tell a parent about your goal. 

  • Promises of the Constitution: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Read pages 173-199. Mark anything that stands out to you.  Discuss any questions you have about the readings with a parent. (Hint: I recommend you read this toward the end of your study week.)

  • Hero Study. Research a person you admire from the time period of 1500 to 1850. Take notes about your hero and hand in your notes. At the bottom of the page, list the heroic qualities you admire about your hero, and choose one you want to develop that in yourself.

Teach (Understand)
Choose ONE of the following inspirements:  

  • Prayerfully create your own inspirement to help you get the most out of what you studied. (See a list of ideas on the back of the newsletter.) Come ready to teach us.
  • Teach the Vanguard group the skill you chose to learn from the "How” book. Include how you’re applying that skill in your life. You could teach this in a variety of ways: create a poem or song, Prezi or Power Point, white board discussion, object lesson, poster board that displays the main points, prepare a talk, or write a paper about it to read to the class.  Limit your presentation to 2-3 minutes. 
  • Write a hero report.  Read the report to the class. Hand in your report to Sister Edwards or Cloward.  It won't be graded; we just want to read it. If you'd like to become a better writer, you can write at the top "feedback please." Be sure to include the qualities you most admire about your hero, and your plan to become more of those qualities. 
  • If you signed up for this week, give your hero presentation. See instructions on the Yahoo group files. Be sure to include the qualities you most admire about your hero, and your plan to become more of those qualities. 
  • When reading Promises of the Constitution, write a summary at the end of each tiny chapter.  Take one or more of those main concepts and choose a way to teach it to the class. You can use a Prezi or Power Point presentation, white board discussion, object lesson, short game or activity or simulation, or find a video online to help you teach the concept. 
  • Answer the following questions from Promises of the Constitution in your notebook: 
  1. In the original Constitution which was the only branch of government authorized to create laws?  Is that the way it is today? 
  2. In what year were several amendments added to the Constitution that changed the structure of power and money in our national government? 
  3. Explain the before and after of the 17th Amendment.  What negative side effects has it caused? 
  4. Explain the before and after of the 16th Amendment. 
  5. Before 1913 Congress coined and regulated money. To whom did they give that power? What things happened because of that change? 

Serve (Become)
Choose ONE of the following inspirements :
  • Write down promptings you receive while doing your readings and inspirements. Act on one that serves someone else. Come to class ready to share.  
  • Practice the skill you chose from the “How” book for 24 hours.  If it will help you remember, set alarms on a phone or watch or use a timer to remind you to practice your skill.  
  • What heroic qualities did you most admire about the hero you studied? For 24 hours do your best to act out that quality. Record what you did. For example, if the heroic quality you admire is courage, write down ways you were courageous in your day, like “I had the courage to try a new dinner my mom made. I had courage to call and make an appointment for myself, to do my chores without being reminded, and to speak calmly to my sister when she was mad and I was tempted to yell. I was tempted to tell a lie but I had the courage to tell the truth.” 

  • What does your learning make you want to do or change in yourself? Act on that for a day. Record what you did. 
  • Or choose a Serve inspirement from journeyman or master level.

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